I can melt in the warmth... Oh the joy!! Take me on the rockette to the sun..!!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Sweet Rust

It is excessively warm. Sweaty warm. I lean on the wall and leave behind a glaring pink-orange-red streak of rust.




Lick the rust off your fingertips. I have been leaving behind too many fingerprints. Traceable back to unique me. And they stare back at me from the oddest of place. There are rust-stains on my jeans where I had wiped the sweat off my hand.

The smell of rust wafted from my fingertips. Nauseating, but allurring all the same. I tasted it gingerly. It was a mixture of that tingling taste of sweat, the musty blood taste of iron and a rare sweet taste - like putrid jaggery. A heady winey mix.




I licked my fingers again. Finger lickin good. I closed my eyes and can see sweet pink rust. Two-dimensional candyfloss


  1. and as the floss lost the candy taste i realised the "'iron'y" of it..of the sweat,the blood and the rust...

  2. all i can say is that ... u r smelling too much of kalamkari ink !!!
    and ... wat is it, finger licking good ?? :D

  3. polo: if it wasnt ironic, it wouldnta been worth tasting it in the first place... at times disappointments are the most delectable of tastes...
    shaddaps: finger lickin' good... not what you think.... perv!!
