I can melt in the warmth... Oh the joy!! Take me on the rockette to the sun..!!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Big words in my small head...

{I am an agnostic. And God doesn't know whether i exist either.}
{Why does the window rattle so?}
{It's not asthma. The air just got thicker.}
{The veritable signs of existence}
{An altered sense of being}
{There are rainbows, and unicorns and pretty blue stars on the wall. You just have to look hard enough.}
{Air raid!! Air raid!!}
{Watch the raindrop draw its line of fate down the windowpane.}
{Windowpane or Window Pain?}
{The magic words, i say...}
{I want to be a fish, 'cause i want to know how it feels to sleep underwater.}
{Mind-tweaking phenomena..!!}
{Yeah yeah}
{Why wake up just 'cause the dream is over..}
{No. It wasn't the earphones which played the music. It was always playing in your head.}


  1. {There are rainbows, and unicorns and pretty blue stars on the wall. You just have to look hard enough.}
    {Yeah yeah}
    ...love them

  2. {type, type, type, read read read, sleeeep, yawn}
    {so many profound questions and even profounder answers, lazy, sleep u fool sleep }

    {ah! blanky}

    ^--- a figment of mine

  3. aaaha!! if you think they were profound, you are merely thinking profoundly... its the words which are profound...
    and sleeping early?? shame on you!! where are your work ethics?!
