I can melt in the warmth... Oh the joy!! Take me on the rockette to the sun..!!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Words on a String

This might as well have been the title of my blog. Some randomness tied together with the flagrant hope of bringing out some amount of cohesion and comprehension. Trying to make sense out of this petty madness we all live and call life. Funky shite, i tell you...
So here goes my first post!! Major achievement, if you ask me... And this one's all about why i love living through this madness. Why i love trying to make sense and failing time and again and yet hopefully going for another try.
I love life because its beautiful. Its got that poignant beauty of thinks that wont last for long, like snowflakes and mayflies... Things that melt away or disappear, like a whiff of fancy.
I love life because we alone can live ours. How much ever people try to take it away from us, we can still hold it within our little hands and hold it out to the sun. Warm it up a bit. Or hide it in our mitts when it gets cold and wintry.
I love life, most of all, because every moment in it is unique. Every moment you live belongs to yourself 'cause you gave birth to it. And it would certainly not have existed without you, or outside of you. Life and all its moments stay with you and within you. Prolly its the only thing that very truly belongs to you.
I love life because i can still feel, touch, hear, taste, see and live all that is around me.
I love life 'cause i can smile, laugh, cry, hide my tears, and whisper my fears.
I love life because it hold a promise. A promise you can work out by yourself. I love life 'cause it has a past, a present and a future.
I love life because i try time and again to make sense outta it and never succeed.
So every once in a while, lean back. Take in a breath of air. Breathe in... Breathe out... Lick your lips and taste the air... Its a beautiful world, and every inch and every moment of it belongs to you...
The Semi-Charmed kind of Life we lead... Its funny... It sad... Its happy... Its mad... and above all its always worth living and loving...


  1. by far..one of the best reads in years! i was looking for a reason to go ack to loving and living life like i did before and this has so many! im feeling so glad that im alive.
    love ya achuu for this!

  2. achoo is not feeling quite upto it today... especially 'cause he has to figure out the difference, if any, between living and loving it and loving and living it... fluddy hell!! this seriously is a seriously serious question....

  3. i knew i shouldnt have named myself "bitter god"... now i have actually gone all bitter!!

  4. "..hide my tears, and whisper my fears."
    I am trying to relate to it. But I still go by what I said when I read your writing as in hand writing. But it was a good read nevertheless.

  5. its all a contradiction of sorts... otherwise bitter god won't be running the sunshine cafe... read on, you ll get it sometime....

  6. hmmmmm. So I am waiting to know the bitter gourd of the bitter god

  7. blooody fooolll......so u accepted ma request...luk maan ...u can create magic..i love dis post......gr8 buddy...

  8. hmmm .. demented twin of myn ... i love it !!!

  9. psychotic twin of mine... its true... it always is...
