The second vial was really running short of substance. It was just about as mind-bending as the acid that Alice so devoutly drained down her bowels. And damn the bluddy leaking bottom. Vials really should be made of tempered glass or some shite!! (I really wouldn't want to run into one of 'em. They are quite sharp even otherwise, and add a bit of temper, and they could very well be ferocity in transparency..) Anyway, to get back to trivial matters, from the leaky bottom of our second vial seeped out the few last drops of truth. And they dripped down and plopped into the azure depths of the ocean. Maybe the entire ocean drained out of the vial. But anyway no one cared to own the vial. And the brave few who tried (and yeah, they did have a good audience to perform in front of) found it too bitter and promptly spat it out. There was not much need of it anyway.
And ah the third vial... It was filled with a liquid (or was it a gas) so light and transparent, you can hardly see it. From what i heard it used to be thick and mucky earlier. And so large, they called it a gene pool. Its grown thinner. Like hair, it thins out with age. And now we hardly feel it, though we exist, like that vapour-water in the vial. Scentless, tasteless, colourless and formless... We look like the vial 'cause we live inside it. And we choose to stay inside, away from scents, tastes and colours.
Maybe we should drop the vial and check whether it cracks...
you can't think of something and out of randomness produce this great shite? Fuck off man.
ReplyDeletehahaha!! shite happens!! alwayssss wear diapers... hahaha!!
ReplyDeleteI have got better and by far sleazy options you know..you read my post and you know..N i care to choose the second vial.
ReplyDeletejust slurp up some sea water then i guess... its the elixir of eternal truth!! hehe!! but yeah, i guess i would rather open up the third vial first... though theres hardly much left in the second one, i guess it really should wait...
ReplyDeleteBut we all look like that vial, we live n it, so shouldnt it all start with the second one?
ReplyDeletei guess we should first get out of the third one to make sense of the second....